he{art} PORTAL 6 week art coven

he{art} PORTAL 6 week art coven


what does heaven on earth look like to you?

what if you are here to create exactly that?

your desires as the roadmap, your exquisite sensitivity - the guide. exactly who you are - exactly the right person for the job.

you are the life artist. your life, your work of art.

are you ready to shed the victim stories and start creating your life on purpose?

great news! i is my joy to re-open he{art} PORTAL for a short amount of time.this is a virtual art coven unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.

this is no ordinary workshop. no supply list or fancy new techniques. it is not about teaching you how i make my art. in this space, i help you tap into your own genius and guide you to unleashing your own magic more fully into the world.

i am opening a powerful container for us to go through together in a life changing journey to befriending your heart and tapping into your most authentic artistic expression.

you will be challenged to look at all parts of yourself with acceptance, to look at humble things with an eye open to endless possibility, to look at your space with a fresh perspective, to look at the world upside down, magnified, with grace colored glasses.

🖤 he{art} PORTAL is a 6 week of turning everything around you into art. it is your personal initiation into starting to create your vision of heaven on earth - now. sourced from your dreams and desires, using the raw material of your life as it is. everything can be transformed into art. nothing gets wasted. this is true mixed media for the life artist that you are.

the PORTAL is 6 weeks of video prompts and guidance to liberate your inner life artist to create her dreams, however wild they may seem.

🖤 shadow alchemy through art.

🖤 learning how to work through resistance and co-create with your muse.
it is tough and fierce love to help you confront your bs stories and dramatically widen the horizon of possibility.

🖤 it is 6 weeks that upgrade the way you relate to your creativity forever.

this is for you if:

* you adore artistic expression and desire for more of you to be freely expressed* feel most alive and on purpose when creating, and…

* are truly fed up with putting off your creative dreams

* you long to liberate your inner creator and open the door to more abundant art making and living.

* desire to integrate your shadows, smash through limiting beliefs, and learn how to work through resistance and fear.* you know you have been barely scratching the surface of all you are here to create.

every day for six weeks (on weekdays) you will receive a daily message with prompts and guidance to exploring your inner depths and expressing your creative genius artistically in the world. there will be journaling prompts, and invitations to explore, teachings, guided meditations, process videos, and surprises because it’s more fun that way. on the fourth week you will be challenged to go deeper into some of the prompts, especially those you resisted the first time around.

there will be secret adventures, erasure poetry, unexpected material explorations, love letters, shame releasing practices, painting with the whole body, creating thoughtful spaces for nourishing and art-ing, surprising twists and turns, crying, laughing, and all the emotions in between.

a TELEGRAM group for this emerging tribe to share your progress, resistance, celebrations, encouragement, tips on how to clean and preserve bones (it happens more than you might imagine), support, art, and heart.

there will be an opening ceremony, and live calls every week via ZOOM to share our epic stories of working through resistance and creating the life and art that our hearts are longing to create. this is a great place to show off our art, ask questions and receive support as well.

the calls are on thursdays at 2pm CST (jan 11th & 25th, feb 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd).

the calls will be recorded in case you can’t make it.

and you get to keep access to he{art} PORTAL for life and can revisit it at any time.

what others are saying about he{art} PORTAL:

“the he{art} PORTAL virtual retreat was just what I needed as I begin my art practice. Whereas many other online art courses teach "how-to's", you created through he{art}Portal a virtual space where my creativity could flourish.You created such a lovely warm container of creative acceptance, non-judgement and friendship among the group~ although we were spread out throughout the world, when we came together there was deep sharing.

The daily prompts were unexpected and refreshing and the weekly Sunday Circle was a both comfortable (and challenging) place to share~ both work and resistances. I would recommend your retreat for anyone pursuing an art practice, thinking about art or just anyone wanting to explore and live out other aspects of themselves through imagery. Looking forward to learning from and with you in the future.” - Wendy P.

“Heart Portal circle was hands down the best and most expanding online art workshop i have ever experienced. i will be pouring over the content for months and probably years to come.” - Aimee B.

“it seriously is like we are in the Hunger Games type set up but with a benevolent all-knowing Plutarch… i find it uncanny how the prompts perfectly draw my attention to exactly where i need to look to take the next step out of this well of old ways of thinking and doing. it has been transformative.” - Nicola C.

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MIRROR MIRROR (payment plan)

$555.00 every month for 3 months
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MIRROR MIRROR art retreat

Sale Price:$1,555.00 Original Price:$2,222.00